Protect Each Other

Protecting Each Other

Precision has responded to COVID-19 with actions to maintain the health and well-being of employees.

Resource and guidance materials are made available via the COVID-19 Communications Hub within the employee portal and may be accessed any time through mobile, tablet or desktop.

Training is also conducted to ensure everyone stays current and informed:

  • COVID-19 Protocols
  • Effective Leadership During Challenging Times

Precision values feedback from its employees via Focus Groups to remain flexible and adaptable to any kind of situation, emergency or otherwise.

Infectious Disease Plan

It is critical that every employee follows all requirements developed to stay healthy, safe and strong.

Transportation of Potentially Infected Personnel

Cleaning after Potential Exposure

Shared Transport Sanitation Protocol

Temperature Screening Guidelines

On-Site Screening Process

Office Work

Field Visit Requirements for Non-Rig Personnel

Canada Camps